How long will a Marion Brush Co. finishing brush last?
It really depends on how much the brush is being used, however, we generally say that due to the high quality resin in our bristles they should last 3-4 times longer than other finishing brushes on the market today.
How can I repair bent or kinked bristles on a Marion Brush Co. finishing brush?
Because we manufacture our brushes with the highest quality nylon resin, you are able to pour boiling water over bent or kinked bristles to return them to their original shape.
Why do you offer different colors of bristles on your finishing brushes at Marion Brush Co.?
The colors of our brush bristles correspond with the different textures of our finishing brushes. White is considered our "super soft" texture, Black is our "soft" texture, Orange is our "medium" texture, Green is our "stiff" texture, and Red is our "super stiff" texture. By offering different textures we allow the finisher to choose which brush will work best in their own situation.
Which of your brushes has the same texture as a "typical" finishing brush found out on the market today?
The texture most like the "typical" finishing brush out on the market today would be our Orange or "medium" texture.
How long will a Marion Brush Co. finishing brush last?
It really depends on how much the brush is being used, however, we generally say that due to the high quality resin in our bristles they should last 3-4 times longer than other finishing brushes on the market today.
How can I repair bent or kinked bristles on a Marion Brush Co. finishing brush?
Because we manufacture our brushes with the highest quality nylon resin, you are able to pour boiling water over bent or kinked bristles to return them to their original shape.
Why do you offer different colors of bristles on your finishing brushes at Marion Brush Co.?
The colors of our brush bristles correspond with the different textures of our finishing brushes. White is considered our "super soft" texture, Black is our "soft" texture, Orange is our "medium" texture, Green is our "stiff" texture, and Red is our "super stiff" texture. By offering different textures we allow the finisher to choose which brush will work best in their own situation.
Which of your brushes has the same texture as a "typical" finishing brush found out on the market today?
The texture most like the "typical" finishing brush out on the market today would be our Orange or "medium" texture.